MA Theatre for Community and Education

Validated by University of East Anglia

2024/25 Term Dates
Autumn term
12 September – 12 December 2024
Spring term
15 January – 3 April 2025
Summer term 23 April – 26 June 2025

Teaching takes place one day per week, plus one additional Friday and Saturday per term. 


Applied Theatre Practice & Pedagogies

  • Principles of theatre-making
  • Techniques
  • Pedagogies
  • Methods and approaches
  • Ritual theatre
  • Decolonial and feminist practices

Approaches to Learning and Education

  • Socio-political context of applied theatre
  • Education as a practice of liberation
  • Power and the teacher/ facilitator/ leader
  • Practical workshop techniques and skills
  • Trauma informed practice and dramatherapy

Business and Management

  • Funding and finance
  • Marketing and communications
  • Strategies for freelance practitioners
  • Navigating the 21st century cultural sector
  • Sustainable community projects
  • Creative producing
  • Practical application of business management

Policies and Agendas

  • Policies that shape the theatre and cultural sector
  • Diversity and difference
  • Practical inquiry into theatre and culture as tools for social transformation
  • Global policies, decolonial and post-colonial theory

Contemporary Arenas and Praxes of Applied Theatre

  • Education
  • Rehabilitation
  • Migration and exile
  • Arts in conflict zones
  • Mental and physical health and wellbeing
  • Professional development

Creative and Cultural Learning

  • Museums and galleries
  • Storytelling and gamification
  • Cross border collaborations
  • Immersive arts, music and film
  • Performance as protest

Dissertation Project (Practical or Written)

  • Specific dissertation project
  • Research / Rehearsal time
  • Application of previous modules

“Mountview’s MA in Theatre for Community and Education is the most considered and enriching educational experience I have ever had… Graduates of this course will change the world because the journey through it leaves them with no alternative.”

– Vanessa, course graduate

“The balance of practice, theory and reflection, makes this the perfect environment for any practitioner who wants to develop a critical creative practice with quality training and guidance.”

– Emma, course graduate



Interview feeFree
2024/25 UK/Republic of Ireland Students Course Fee£5,130 p/a
2024/25 International Students Course Fee£9,665 p/a
Additional Costs (e.g. cultural trips)£100

Fees are subject to annual review. One term’s notice will be given of any increases. There may be additional costs for cultural trips – allow up to £100.

There are a number of student scholarships available.

Funding and Scholarships

Admission onto the course is by interview. Applicants must be aged 21 years or over at the start of the course. Students who do not hold an undergraduate degree will need to undertake an access assignment to establish suitability for undertaking the MA.

If an applicant requires a student visa and their first language is not English, they will need to prove their knowledge of the English language before applying for their student visa. This must be demonstrated by passing a Secure English Language Test (SELT) from an approved provider or having a GCSE, A level, Scottish National Qualification level 4 or 5, Scottish Higher or Advanced Higher in English, gained through study at a UK school that they began when they were under 18.

Mountview welcomes applications from people with disabilities and is keen to support all applicants to achieve their best. If applicants have any special requirements or access needs, these should be discussed with the course leader/administrator.

Mountview is committed to a comprehensive policy of equal opportunities for students in which individuals are selected and treated on the basis of their relevant merits and abilities. No applicant will receive less or more favourable treatment on grounds of sex, gender, sexual orientation, age, ethnic origin, disability, religion and marital/parental status or any comparable grounds.

Upon offer, students must be sure that they are prepared to engage with a wide range of material that may challenge their personal ethical, religious, spiritual or moral beliefs, and present it in a wide range of settings including public production.

You will take part in a first round interview with the course leader at which you will discuss your interests, influences and previous experience. This may take place online or in-person.

Please be aware that due to the limited amount of places available, this course may become full before June and in this event applications will close early. Please apply earlier to avoid disappointment.

Auditions and Interviews

“The MA was everything I hoped it would be and much more. It provided such a beautiful balance of practice and theory and so many opportunities to explore and discuss.... This Masters programme is a perfect place for arts practitioners at different stages of their career to deepen this vital, community focussed and learning centred part of their practice.”

- Rina, MA Theatre for Community and Education graduate