Adam Owers, BA Acting 2023

I got into acting straight away at school but was never taught that it could be a legitimate career path. So, I went to university to study physiotherapy. In my final year I was reintroduced to drama, and I loved it. The world of Mountview and drama training was not one I was familiar with; it’s been such a learning experience. After accepting the offer to Mountview, it was all about financing it. 

At the start, almost every bit of time off I had, I was working, and it was conflicting with my studies. It was all becoming too much, and I didn’t have time to absorb what we learned in the week. The support from the Judi Dench Fund went a huge way, as the financial burden was eased, I was able to jump into the training and make the most of it because it is great, and I am really fortunate to be here. 

I’ve loved this third year as a chance to just be in plays and rehearse things, it’s been amazing. In the future I hope to use my training to work. I just want to be involved in the industry, participate and contribute to it. I think the training here is so thorough, comprehensive and essential in preparing us, its graduates, for entering the industry and standing the chance of making some sort of impact. Drama training is still very financially discriminant. If only a certain amount of people have access to the training that allows them to enter the industry, then that industry is always going to reflect a very small percentage of society. The Judi Dench Fund gives access to a wider range of people. That can only benefit the industry; that can only enrich the work, and broaden the stories that are being told, broaden the representation of people. In doing so, this would attract wider sects of people into the theatre, and into film. That can only be a good thing. 

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